The Beginning......
Calanthe veritifolia
Many first believed this was a terrestrial orchid, but in fact it is not a true terrestrial. It naturally grows in the shaded areas of the forest in the leaf mold and humus that collects under the trees. Although it appears to be growing in the soil like a normal plant, the roots do not penetrate the ground very far. It grows along the top of the surface just under the leaves and debris that cover the ground.
They love cool moist conditions and are really quite easy to grow. Plant them in the shady moist area of your garden and provide them with plenty of room to spread their roots. You may also plant them in a large, shallow pot with soil that is rich in humus.
迦南地 原义是:上帝引领以色列人出埃及,不再做奴隶了,应许他们可以到流奶与蜜之地,就是迦南地.
到后来耶稣降生后,为人类被钉死,而后复活,应许信他的人可以回天家,也以迦南美地来形容. 因为旧约是新约的预表,新约是旧约的实体. 希伯来人是闪族语系的一支,他们现知最早出现于美索不达米亚,因为据(圣经)记载,希伯来人的先祖亚伯拉罕家族就起源于苏美尔。希伯来人被认为都是亚伯拉罕的后代,据说亚伯拉罕得到上帝耶和华的指示,大致在公元前1900年至1500年之间,他们逐渐由美索不达米亚的乌尔迁入当时地中海东岸、一块叫做“迦南”(Canaan)的地区。
迦南原来的居民称这批从东边越河过来的人为“希伯来”,意即“越河者”。 迦南地的由来(Canaan) 众所周知, 中东的幼发拉底河和底格里斯河流域是人类文明的最早发祥地之一。
在那里, 早在公元前2300年, 美索不达米亚文化就达到了相当发达的程度。大约3800年前, 当美索不达米亚文明已经趋于衰败时, 一位名叫亚伯兰(Abram)的人从两河流域南部的乌尔(Ur)经巴比伦(Babylon)、马利(Mari)、哈兰(Haran)迁徙到被称作迦南(Canaan)的地方(即现在的巴勒斯坦地方), 几经辗转后定居在别是巴(Beersheba)。
据《圣经》的描述, 亚伯兰的这次迁徙乃是受上帝指使的:“耶和华对亚伯兰说, 你要离开本地、本族、父家, 往我要道指示你的地去。我必叫你成为大国。我必赐福给你, 叫你的名为大, 你也叫别人得福。为你祝福的, 我必赐福与他;那咒诅你的, 我必咒诅他。地上的万族都要因你得福”(《创世记》12:1-3)。
在亚伯兰99岁时, 耶和华又与他立约, 令其子孙繁多, 并赐迦南地为他们永久的基业(《创世记》17:2-22)。此后, 亚伯兰更名亚伯拉罕(Abaraham)。 亚伯拉罕生子以撒(Isaac), 以撒生子雅各(Jacob)。他们就是通常所说的犹太人的列祖(Patriarchs), 也是犹太教的最早奠基人。
今天以色列、巴勒斯坦两国所在的巴勒斯坦地区,古称迦南(Canaan)。迦南是《圣经》上的国家,在《圣经》中它是一块辽阔无垠的土地,所有读过《圣经》的人都不自觉地接受这一观点。而现实中的迦南即巴勒斯坦地区并不比海南岛大。它的最北端是黎巴嫩冰雪覆盖的赫门雪山(H erman)脚下的旦城(Dan),南端以“南地”内格夫(Nevgv)为限,西为地中海,东是约旦河谷地。现在以色列国都的特拉维夫坐落在这块土地西沿中段的地中海滨.
The Meaning of 'CALANTHE'
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English (Rare)
Pronounced: kə-LAN-thee [key]
From the name of a type of orchid, ultimately meaning "beautiful flower", derived from Greek καλος (kalos) "beautiful" and ανθος (anthos) "flower".
Calanthe are the most showy of the hardy orchids, with attractive evergreen foliage and spikes of showy flowers in a variety of colors. Some have wonderful fragrance too.
Calanthe are no more challenging than ferns or trilliums. They can be easily grown by any experienced gardener. If you have consistent snow cover, several of the Calanthe can be grown in Zone 5.
- They require very well-drained organic soil that does not become extremely dry.
- Morning sun or light to moderate shade is best.
- Remove old foliage in spring by holding the crown of the plant with one hand and pulling the old leaves by the other.
- Caution: using cutting tools on orchids such as Calanthe can spread virus diseases.
- Calanthes are also easily grown in pots in the cool or cold greenhouse at temperatures down to 30F.
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